Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why we are so obsessed with American Dream

In last 24 hours I have just seen all news channel playing serial Just Obama. Or Indian media don't have anything else to present on post Diwali day.

I think Indian political leadership believes that one day America will turn some magical stick to solve all our security problems but we don't believe on our capabilities in solving those problems. Just a simple school of thought will India worry on cross border issues which US have with Mexico, that's there internal problem so is Mumbai attacks are India's internal problem. These attacks have global nexus but @ end of the day it was India attacked so action should also originate from India. There was another point that was raised why name of Pakistan was not explicit while making reference to terrorist, but actually what difference would it have made except few headlines and few columns.

Next come trade and commerce believe me I am not an expert in economics and trade, but I am expert in a field where everyone is novice and that is common sense. I believe simply create quality, we buy iphone not because it is created in some part of America. There will always be other pressure which for sometime manipulate trade and commerce but I believe in self correcting nature of economy. If we want our commercial interest to be safeguarded we should invest on genuine R&D (not just an eye wash) in all technology facets and focus on quality or meet end users expectations.

So my conclusion we only can solve our problems and come out of the habit, developed because of 200 years of colonial that some foreigner and will come and solve all our problems.

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